25 thoughts on “Feedback”

  1. Kay & Matthew Maas

    We stayed at the Carrieton Caravan Park in November 2017. We absolutely loved it. We slept in the original school house. Everything was immaculate. Noelene was a wonderful hostess. The community op shop was a boon, we purchased quite a few bargains there. Carrieton is a pretty little town. We ventured out to Orroroo and Wilmington which are surrounding towns. We highly recommend a stay at Carrieton Cravan Park.
    Kind regards
    Kay & Matthew

  2. late Audust 2017….had been bush camping for past 12days..( crossing of Simpson desert)..arrived Carrieton just on sunset,been blowing a gale all day, and cold.

    Noelene said “yep,school house,come in to the shed after you get settled,”

    We did.Met some interesting fellow travellers and had a good laugh.

    Hot shower , warm comfy bed.Bliss.

    Absolutely marvellous place, thanks for the welcoming two very scruffy looking blokes Nolene.

    A great friendly ,family oriented park,would recommend to all.

  3. A search for info on Cloud Buster an equine image from my childhood brought me here.
    Your site had three amazing photos.
    It was an R m Williams poster in my childhood featuring him being ridden by Dick White.
    One day I will come and visit.
    Hope you’re community is doing well.

  4. I stayed at the caravan park late 2016. A community member let me stay for $10 a night on a powdered site as I am a single female and I stayed a week. I greatly admire the work being done in small towns to keep them vibrant, an example being the community shop, run by volunteers and the caravan park. However, when the manager of the park returned, Noelene, things were not so pleasant. I was invited into her caravan where I was told I should be paying more and not to tell snyone what I was paying. After being there for three days, I was invited into the tin shed, where I discovered all the other campers hanging out, except me. Noelene never had a pleasant word for me, and if she could say anything unpleasant, she wasted no time in doing so. She could be nice to some, but I never found her to be. I found her to be an unpleasant and controlling bully and I’m sorry to see the caravan park in her hands. The community deserves a manager who is prepared to try different approaches to increase business. A caravan association who wanted their members to stay for $10 a night on unpowered sites were described idiots and if their members were too scared to free camp, they could pay the price. People who stayed at Farina were described a fools who thought they were on a cattle station. And on it went. On my last day, I slept in and by the time I’d finished packing and was ready to leave, it was 12.30. I was the only one staying there. I got my final dressing down on that day. As a 70 year old female and solo traveller, I expect better from caravan managers.

  5. Hi I am trying to find out about my mothers family called ‘Ormiston’ who lived in this district in the early 1900’s
    Her father and mother were:- James ORMISTON and Colina Jessie ORMISTON
    They had 7 children:-
    My mother – Jean Isobel Ormiston born 1911
    Jessie ORMISTON, b. 12 Sep 1896, Yanyarrie,SA d. 8 Oct 1964, Mt Barker,SA
    Catherine Elizabeth ORMISTON, b. 28 Jul 1898, Yanyarrie,SA
    I don’t have any details of the other 5 children
    was wondering if anyone could help?

    regards, Bill Burrows

  6. Just spent 3 lovely nights at the Caravan Park and was an excellent base to take trips around the area to Wilpenna, Blinman and Quorn plus the interesting historic towns of Hammond and Johnsburg. The low price of $20 a night for a beautiful powered sight was complemented with the nicest showers and toilets we have seen in the camp site and so quiet and peaceful .Noeleen who was in charge was very helpful and friendly and encouraged us to have a lovely time and meal at the Carrieton Pub. A great holiday and enthusiastically encourage people to visit and use the park as a base .The park is run by the local progress association and is there not as a profit making business but to encourage people to visit the lovely little town of Carrieton.

  7. September 2015. The Outback CCO Quilters have just spent a weekend at Carrieton’s Horshoe View Caravan Park. 17 quilters from far and wide gathered, for the eighth year in a row, for fun, frivolity and fabrication. The accommodation was excellent, the food supplied by the local ladies and hotel was delicious and the hospitality first class.
    It was nice to be out in the beautiful Flinders Ranges, to catch up with our scattered quilting group members and the local community who pop in to see that we are actually sewing.
    We will be back next year.

  8. Hi There,

    In the following outlined fundraising event Supporting Mental Health Awareness in SA we were trying to get 1-2 nights’ accommodation in Flinders Ranges donated to assist putting together a Travel Package For Auction for the Travel Packages For Auction 2016 see attached Document of the same Package as last year as a guide, are you able to assist us? An Invoice/Receipt can be issued for Tax purposes.

    I am a Nurse currently working Royal Adelaide Hospital Emergency Department and an Acute Admission Psychiatric Ward at Glenside Campus. I support education and awareness-raising around mental health issues in South Australia and am setting up the Red Faces 2016 fundraising event. The event is a cross between the Red Faces segment of Hey Hey its Saturday and Australia’s Got Talent and we expect a capacity audience of 340 people and the last 3 years the event has sold out 7 weeks before event. The event is a Talent Quest with Special Guest Judges, Guest Entertainment on the night plus Charity Auctions, Spot Prizes, Door Prizes, raffle and Goodies Bags for all attendees plus the announcing the winners of The Travel Packages for Auction.
    I am passionate about supporting my patients and other people living with mental illness to improve their quality of life and to ensure that they do not become the forgotten members of our community.
    I am setting up the Red Faces 2016 with all funds raised going to GROW SA. GROW SA is a community based charitable organisation offering a wide range of programs and services to people living with severe mental illness, their natural support network and the wider community. All proceeds from the event will go to GROW SA and will support the important work that they do and help progress one of the organisation’s strategic goals ‘to reach people we haven’t reached before’. Of interest the National Patron of Grow is the Governor General and in South Australia the Patron is Vickie Chapman MP.
    There is an event page setting up on Facebook if you would like to add for interest:- https://www.facebook.com/events/1447470952219724/

    Also if interested in looking at Photos from Red Faces 2015 see:- https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.891948270868687.1073741986.205157836214404&type=1&pnref=story

    We were wondering if you would assist by supporting us with a donation of a voucher for accommodation. Any donations received will be used as part of The Travel Packages for Auction.
    Red Faces 2016 will be held on Saturday 14th May 2016 in ‘The Top Room’ at the Arkaba Hotel in Fullarton, Adelaide, South Australia.
    There will be a Guest MC and Guest Celebrity Judges on the night and the Charity Auctioneer is Charles Booth from Bernard H Booth Real Estate.
    Sponsors of the event will be advertised by Power Point display which will project Sponsor Logos on the venue wall all evening. Event advertising will be in media outlets and promoted by three radio stations supporting the event plus in SA Style Magazine, Rip it up Magazine and Messenger newspapers. Event fliers will also be distributed electronically through numerous networks and linked to supporting websites. Brochures and Fliers are also able to be included on the tables or in the goodies bags if you wish.
    The Mental Health Sector where I work employs around 10,000 staff members across Adelaide hence sponsoring this event has obvious advertising potential. If you would like to donate to Red Faces 2014, kindly ensure that you email your logo to add to the Power Point presentation.
    If you wish to confirm the authenticity or legitimacy of the Red Faces 2014 event and the fact that all proceeds will go to GROW SA then please contact Christie Baverstock, SA Branch Program Secretary on 1800 558 268 or email [email protected]

    We would greatly appreciate your help and be gratified to receive any assistance or donation you could give us to support our event.

    In appreciation of your valued reply,

    Kind Regards

    Brenton Williams
    Nurse/Red Faces 2016 Event Manager
    Supporting Mental Health Awareness in South Australia
    17 Currawong Ave
    South Australia 5052
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  9. Please when you make your next ad educate whoever does the voice over to pronounce rodeo the correct way – true riders will think it’s a joke. RO-D-O Not the way they say Rodeo Drive in USA – please let’s be Australian

  10. Kevin and Kim Sutton

    Stayed a night during April, on way to Flinders. Bill and Mary were wonderful hosts. Facilities were first class and would highly recommend staying there.

  11. My partner Ivor & I have just spent the best 4 days at the Carrieton caravan park. We used our stay as a base to do day trips to Hawker, Blinman & Parachilne. Next day to Peterborough & Jamestown & even a quick drive to see the ruins at Johnburgh. Bill & Mary were the perfect hosts at the park. The history of the school & many surrounding buildings made for a wonderful walk around the town. Perfect end to our 3 week trip around South Australia!!!

  12. Don & June Ehrlich

    Hi to all, we are traveling from Queensland around and up the Centre of Australia. We were pleasantly surprised when we drove into Carrieton SA. We arrived at the Horse Shoe Caravan Park to find out the price for a powered site was soooo cheap we decided to make Carrieton our base for a ll we want to see in the area, we will stay several weeks until we have satisfied our curiosity in this area.

    1. Thankyou for your words 🙂 Carrieton has lots too offer and we wish you well while you stay here.
      Many places to visit, ask a local or – if your would like tohave a day trip out too Almerta Station while your in Carrieton – look us up .

  13. Marlene Pirie

    A magnificent park, we have thoroughly enjoyed our stay here. Amenities very clean also on a tight budget the price for the park is brilliant.

    Will definitely visit again.

  14. After reading Red’s comments on her 4 day stay, I’m following in her footsteps soon as I’ve got 3 weeks annual leave in June and will spend 4 nights at Carrieton, taking advantage of the great 4 nights for price of 2 offer. This will make a great start to my Flinders Ranges trip in my 1969 vintage SA-built Harris Caravan. Am looking forward to it as I was confirmed as an adult in the former Anglican Church there.

    1. Hi I am member of the Carrieton Caravan Park committee and read your article on Carrieton . Great work ! I am a long time resident of the district Really appreciate your commentary and that you saw the beauty and wonder of the district that I see..Further to your commentary I would like to send a local CD which shares local history in story and song of the Orroroo/ Carrieton District . Would you please reply with postal address so I can forward it onto you
      Meantime hope you enjoying more travels and keep your articles coming.
      kind regards

      1. I was looking at some old photos the other day, and thought I’d look at Carrieton. My dad was the principal of the school in the 70’s.We lived in the house attached to the school. I remember coming out the kitchen, into the passage, and turning a few steps to the right and opening the door into the school ! Has this changed a lot? I have been looking for pictures of the caravan park, but can’t find any. Rasheeds ran the pub, Mr Shimlick?, the post office,and rode around town on his horse. The swimming pool was built at the time as well. Love to see what has happened to the school house, are there any photos of the park that you know of? thanks, Nikki

      2. Hello again! I’ve only just seen your response above, Janet. Thank you for the offer of a CD – could you please contact me via email, as I’m reluctant to post my address on the public site!

        Since then, I’ve written a book “Aussie Loos with Views!” and I’ve featured the Carrieton Public Loo in it! Here’s a link to more information: http://www.redzaustralia.com/my-book-aussie-loos-with-views/

        Happy to provide more information if you’re interested!!

      3. Hello again! I’ve only just seen your response above, Janet. Thank you for the offer of a CD – could you please contact me via email, as I’m reluctant to post my address on the public site!

        Since then, I’ve written a book “Aussie Loos with Views!” and I’ve featured the Carrieton Public Loo in it! Here’s a link to more information: http://www.redzaustralia.com/my-book-aussie-loos-with-views/

        Happy to provide more information if you’re interested!!

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