Upcoming Events
Carrieton Rodeo
December 31, 2024
Carrieton Campdraft
April 5 and 6, 2025

Carrieton Rodeo
Early in the 1950’s the local men sought to raise funds to build a new Memorial Hall in Carrieton. With a keen interest in rodeos led by Vince Rowe the men decided to run a rodeo. It was a huge effort from all around the district; building yards, securing stock, and along with the catering by the ladies with a knife and fork luncheon on Saturday of the long weekend Oct 1953 the first rodeo was held. It was a successful event and in the following years drew large crowds with great competition.
In 2019 the Carrieton rodeo was inducted into the Australian Rodeo Heritage Centre at Warwick to its Hall of Fame. ”It recognizes 66 years of hard community work” said Daniel Williams, President of the club. One of the unusual features of Carrieton club is that it has its own successful string of bucking horses that are paddocked throughout the district.
The daytime rodeo in October in the 80’s was only making bare profits, bad weather conditions in a daytime event and competition from other events on the long weekend saw the crowds dwindle. A bold decision was made to shift to a night rodeo in 1990 between Christmas and New Year. It is now a recognized fun filled family event on the SA tourist calendar with attendance of around 3000, live music, a big screen to watch replays of the action and renown fresh steak sandwiches , food stalls and bar.
The eventful night is part of the Australian Professional Rodeo circuit attracting competitors from interstate and overseas. Some of the spectacular events include; Stockmans Ride, Australian Stock Saddle, Bull Ride, Ladies Barrell Racing and the ever popular children’s events of Barrell racing and Breakaway Roping.
For the event to be held it relies heavily on local support and sponsorship from within and outside the district. In return the Carrieton Rodeo club has provided large funds to numerous local projects in Carrieton and Orroroo and gives a yearly donation to the Royal Flying Doctor.
In 2020 and 2021 the rodeo was cancelled because of Covid-19 and its impact.

Carrieton Campdraft
Flinders Ranges Campdraft Club Inc (Carrieton Campdraft)
Carrieton Campdraft was established over 25 years ago and was first started as a fundraiser for the Polocrosse Club. In the early days it was a one-day campdraft that also accommodated a small gymkhana. It soon became a two day event, due to popularity, with competitors from far and wide across SA, NSW and VIC. The small committee built the arena and yards from the ground up and has improved the club house and amenities a great deal over the years.
In the early drafts we would see around 80 – 90 runs and now it is nothing unusual to have this amount or more in just one section. An average campdraft for us at Carrieton now sees around 300-400 runs for the weekend. We are treated to great drafting with some high calibre competitors making the trip each year to our small but mighty draft.
Our draft is also well known for its hospitality with feedback often given on how great the community is here. We are always treated to a wonderful meal encompassing “SNOWS FAMOUS ROAST”. One not to be missed when at the Campdraft in Carrieton!
Campdrafting is a unique Australian sport and is one of the fastest growing sports in the country. Catering for the whole family, it is a sport for all ages and abilities. Campdrafting is derived from the days where horses were solely used on properties and yards were not always available. It has now become a competitive sport attracting some of the best horsemen and women in the country to compete to see who has the skill and the horse to take out the win!
Competitors are scored firstly for their cut out and then for their outside course work where they manoeuvre the beast around a set course on a time limit where they are then given points based on how much course was completed and their horsemanship. It takes a lot of time and skill to be at the top of the game.
Since the inception of the Carrieton Campdraft several others have started up within SA and we are happy to see the sport strongly supported with in the state. We have been supported from the start from the community and are delighted to support projects within the district due to the ongoing success of this community event.
Carrieton Campdraft can be found on Facebook and for more information on campdrafting you can visit Southern Campdraft Association Ltd.
Did you know?
Did you know that funds raised from the Carrieton Rodeo have provided many of the facilities in the township of Carrieton?
- Swimming Pool
- Recreation Clubrooms
- Support of the Carrieton Community Store
- Carrieton Campdraft
- Conversion of the Carrieton Primary School to Horseshoe View Caravan Park, Whim Cottage and budget accommodation
- Carrieton Tennis Courts
- Mural on the new Public Toilets
- Carrieton Progress Association
Money raised at the Rodeo has also meant donations have been made to many community clubs and projects in Orroroo to allow them to upgrade existing facilities or provide new infrastructure, e.g.
- Donations to the Orroroo Area School for 13 years (most being used for computers and outdoor covered areas)
- Support for the Youth Driver Education with the Orroroo Police
- Donations to Orroroo & Districts Hospital and Community Home
- Football Clubrooms (handicapped toilet)
- Community Gym
- Lions Club of Orroroo
The Carrieton Rodeo Club also makes donations to:
- Royal Flying Doctor Service
- Ambulance Service
Carrieton goes global
The worldwide famous photos of Buddy Grovenor and Dick White riding Cloud Buster were taken during these early years bringing great recognition to Carrieton for its event and string of bucking horses.

You can contact President, David Williams on 0427 959 507 or Secretary, Glyn Shackleford on 0409 690 897 or email instead.
You can contact President, Bill Willoughby on 0429 684 900 or Secretary, Chelsea Fleetwood on 0427 822 651 or email instead.
The Carrieton Rodeo is on New Years Eve, December 31, 2024.
The Carrieton Campdraft is on the Saturday and Sunday, 5th-6th April 2025.