Welcome to Carrieton

Gum Creek Country

Amazing Carrieton

Carrieton – A small rural, independent town and community on the RM Williams Highway leading to the Outback and Northern Flinders Ranges. It is 300 kms north of Adelaide, situated in a broad valley between the Horseshoe Ranges and the Oladdie Hills.

As one enters the town from the south the scenery changes from open farmlands to scenery typical of the Flinders Ranges with many gum creeks. In time of floods the town can be cut off as it is surrounded by gum creeks hence the title “ Carrieton In Gum Creek Country’ featured in our local centenary book printed in 1978.

Home of the Carrieton Rodeo a highlight of the Australian Rodeo circuit. The size and success of this event belies the fact that the town consists of only a few dozen residents.

This strong ethos of community spirit enables the town through its Progress Association, to own the community store, caravan park, Memorial Hall and clubrooms and lease the swimming pool from our local council.